6 Use cases

This chapter provides a comprehensive list of use cases. These use cases are structured to demonstrate how various aspects of ASAM OpenMATERIAL 3D are applied. It includes the impact of technologies like 3D modeling tools and 3D engines, as well as specific 3D model formats such as glTF and FBX. This clear organization helps users understand the practical applications of ASAM OpenMATERIAL 3D and how it integrates into their workflows.

Table 5. Use case 1: Creating 3D assets


As a content creator, I want to create 3D assets for perception sensor simulation in a standardized format. The assets shall be linked to material properties.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

3D Modeling (for example, 3dsMax and Maya), 3D Engine (for example, Unreal Engine)

Relevant user

Content creator

Table 6. Use case 2: Creating material data


As a measurement engineer, I want to create material data for use in 3D asset creation. The data shall consist of physical or measured properties of materials that can be assigned to 3D meshes.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters


Influencing standards


Influencing technologies


Relevant user

Measurement engineer

Table 7. Use case 3: Validating material properties and 3D geometries


As a measurement engineer, I want to validate 3D geometries and material properties. This validation is performed as a comparison of the data, that is, material properties and defined points in the 3D geometry, against measurements from the real-world.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies


Relevant user

Measurement engineer, regulator

Table 8. Use case 4: Distributing and reusing material data and 3D assets


As a content creation company, we want to distribute material data and 3D assets under copyright and license considerations. To distribute material data and 3D assets efficiently, it shall be possible to reuse the data and assets in different simulation platforms and sensor models with varying sensor technologies, for example, wavelengths.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies


Relevant user

Content creator

Table 9. Use case 5: Importing 3D assets linked to material properties into shared sensor simulation models (FMU)


As a sensor model developer, I want to import 3D assets that are packaged as FMUs into sensor models.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

Unreal Engine, Unity, OptiX, CUDA

Relevant user

Sensor model developer

Table 10. Use case 6: Importing 3D assets linked to material properties into simulation platform


As a simulation platform developer, I want to import 3D assets into a simulation platform.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

Unreal Engine, Unity, Unigine, OptiX, CUDA

Relevant user

Simulation platform developer

Table 11. Use case 7: Retrofitting or changing material properties independent of 3D assets


As a simulation platform developer, I want to be able to add or change material properties independently of 3D assets geometries in a simulation platform.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters


Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

Unreal Engine, Unity, OptiX, CUDA

Relevant user

Simulation platform developer

Table 12. Use case 8: Moving object parts in the environment simulation


As a simulation platform or sensor model developer, I want to move objects as well as individual parts of the objects during simulation runtime. These can be parts of a vehicle, for example, wheels and doors or the skeleton bones of a pedestrian. One option to manipulate the imported 3D assets during simulation runtime is using ASAM OSI. In the osi3::GroundTruth message, information about moving and stationary objects is provided from the scenario engine to the sensor model. This entails object positions, orientations, velocities and so on for every simulation time step, but also a so-called model reference. This reference is the path to a 3D asset associated with the object or the stationary environment. Using the pose information together with the 3D mesh data, a 3D environment is constructed and updated for every simulation time step. Further attributes, such as wheel positions for vehicles or bone poses for pedestrians, enable a more refined movement of traffic participants in the 3D environment.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters


Influencing standards


Influencing technologies


Relevant user

Simulation platform developer

Table 13. Use case 9: Simulating energy or signal propagation with 3D assets linked to material properties


As a simulation platform or sensor model developer, I want to simulate the energy or signal propagation using imported 3D assets with linked material properties. This is, for example, done with ray tracing. Rays are launched in a virtual 3D scene to simulate the propagation of light beams, radio waves, or ultrasonic waves. The interaction of the rays with the surfaces of the objects in the 3D environment depends on the material properties of these surfaces. These properties are assigned to the 3D geometries of the objects and imported from a material database. The simulation shall be able to cope with different real-time requirements, for example, SiL, HiL, open-loop, closed-loop and so on.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

Nvidia OptiX

Relevant user

Simulation platform developer, sensor model developer, end user

Table 14. Use case 10: Using sensor simulation to train perception algorithms


As a perception algorithm developer, I want to use simulated environments for model training and testing, as real-world information collection is too expensive and inconvenient.

Relevant OpenMATERIAL 3D chapters

Geometry and Material

Influencing standards


Influencing technologies

Unity, OptiX, Regeneration AI

Relevant user

End user