8.3 Material emp schema
8.3.1 metadata
The key meta information about the EMP look-up table.
Type: object
Required: Yes name
The display name of the material, such as 'Red brick' or 'Dark asphalt'.
Type: string
Required: Yes uuid
Universally unique identifier for the material in 8-4-4-4-12 format, see [12]. The uuid stays the same, even if version is updated.
Type: string
Pattern: \\b[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}\\b$
Required: Yes materialVersion
The version number of the material, following semantic versioning (for example, '1.0.0').
Type: string
Pattern: ^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$
Required: Yes openMaterial3dVersion
The version of the ASAM OpenMATERIAL 3D specification used, adhering to semantic versioning (for example, '1.0.0').
Type: string
Pattern: ^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$
Required: Yes copyrights
Indicates copyright details, including the year and copyright holder (e.g., '© 2024 ACME Inc.').
Type: array
Required: Yes license
Describes the license for material distribution. Use an SPDX identifier for open-source licenses (for example, 'MIT'), or provide a URL or filename for proprietary licenses.
Type: string
Required: Yes authors
Lists the author(s) of the material as a name, email, or company.
Type: array
Required: Yes creationDate
The date and time of material creation, formatted as YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ according to ISO 8601 [8] (for example, '20240703T101728Z').
Type: string
Pattern: ^\\d{8}T\\d{6}Z$
Required: No
8.3.2 electromagneticProperties
Array of electromagnetic property values, with each item representing a different property. The array shall be sorted based on the columns starting with the first.
Type: array
Required: Yes
Columns of the table:
Column 1: Wavelength of radiation in free-space in meters (m). The value shall be within the range of 1e-09 to 17.16e-03 (upper limit corresponds to 20 kHz).
Column 2: Temperature of material in Kelvin (K). The value shall not be below 0.
Column 3: Relative humidity of material in percent (%). The value shall be within the range of 0 to 100.
Column 4: Real part of complex relative permeability of material, which is \(\mu_{\textrm{r}}^{'}\) in \(\mu_r = \mu_{\textrm{r}}^{'} - j \mu_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\).
Column 5: Imaginary part of complex relative permeability of material, which is \(\mu_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\) in \(\mu_{\textrm{r}} = \mu_{\textrm{r}}^{'} - j \mu_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\).
Column 6: Real part of complex relative permittivity of material, which is \(\epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{'}\) in \(\epsilon_{\textrm{r}} = \epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{'} - j \epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\).
Column 7: Imaginary part of complex relative permittivity of material, which is \(\epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\) in \(\epsilon_{\textrm{r}} = \epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{'} - j \epsilon_{\textrm{r}}^{''}\).