Tool overview

Contributing at ASAM is easy: You only need a web browser!

All the tools that are required for participating in ASAM projects are hosted online and can be accessed through any web browser without any additional installation required.

At a minimum, all projects use:

Name Description

Remote Repository Icon
DevOps platforms

ASAM uses both GitHub and GitLab as DevOps platforms. A DevOps platform provides a centralized and integrated environment for development and deployment of ASAM standards.

It provides:

  • Issue/ticket-driven workflow

  • Git-based version control for tracking and comparison of changes to files

  • Web-based text editing environment

Used to store all source code and content that is part of deliverables of a standard.

Issues relevant to deliverables should be created here.

Microsoft Sharepoint
Microsoft Sharepoint

Microsoft SharePoint is a web-based platform and collaboration tool developed by Microsoft. It serves as a document management and storage system.

Used for any content not part of the deliverables of a standard, such as meeting minutes or presentations.

Optionally, many of these tools can also be used locally. See Tools for advanced users for more information.

Accessing the tools online

Click the tool’s icon on the right to access the online tool directly.
  • DevOps

  • Sharepoint

GitLab Icon


The choice of DevOps platform depends on the project. Most ASAM projects use ASAM’s GitLab instance. If you are unsure which type of remote repository your project is using, ask your ASAM Office Responsible (OR).

All specification-related documents are stored and updated in the project’s remote (or online) repository.
This GitLab instance is hosted and managed directly by ASAM. The OR will create the account and the user must then set it up.


The user has activated their repository account and can access the correct project repositories.


  • Account created by the ASAM office.


  1. Follow the link in the GitLab account creation email sent by "GitLab <>" to set your password.

  2. Log in with your account using the gitlab standard login button access.

    gitlab standard login

    You will be prompted to upload an SSH key. See how to setup secure SSH connection for instructions on generating and uploading the SSH keys. This is only required IF you use git locally in addition to GitLab.

Troubleshooting / Known Issues

I have not received a mail from GitLab

Ask the OR to support you by creating your GitLab account.

I forgot my password and cannot use the login anymore

Click Forgot your password? and follow the instructions.

I cannot access my project’s repository

Ask the OR to grant you the correct rights according to your role in the project.

I cannot access the "Common" group

See "I cannot access my project’s repository" above.



Sharepoint is used at ASAM to exchange and collaborate on files and documents that are not directly part of the deliverables of a standard. These are files that might not need as strict versioning or where collaboration is preferred on the basis of the Office365 platform. It also serves as the project’s internal landing page.


  • You can access Sharepoint (shared folders)

  • You can add and download files from Sharepoint


  • You have enrolled in the project and provided your email address.


The ASAM office sets up the project Sharepoint. If this is your first ASAM project, you will receive an email invitation to join the ASAM Microsoft Organisation. You must accept this invitation to access project pages. On accepting the invitation, you will receive an additional email with a link to the project’s sharepoint.

Troubleshooting / Known Issues

I cannot access my Sharepoint folder

Try navigating to the parent folder and then access the target folder from there again. If this does not work: Check with your ASAM contact if your access to the folder has been revoked or the folder has been renamed.

My Microsoft account differs from my contact mail

Contact your ASAM Office Responsible and provide them with both your Microsoft account email and your contact email. Make sure to mark each clearly to prevent confusion.

The ASAM office will send an invite to your Microsoft account. After you (or your company’s IT) has accepted the invitation, ASAM will change your user email to the other one. This will let you access Teams and Sharepoint with your Microsoft account while sending invites to your contact email.